May the porgs be with you
Squee! They came! Poor little guys must be exhausted, flying all the way from Ahch-To. I guess I'll just have to make room for them in my bed. Or maybe Azunyan will share her condo tower?
Aw look, they're making themselves at home!
Seriously though, I happy-squealed for a full five minutes as I was unboxing them. I am delighted with this purchase. The Disney marketing juggernaut has taken over beautifully from LucasFilms, and I for one welcome our new rodent overlord.
Seriously seriously. I know there's a lot of hubbub over Disney buying up everything in sight. It does concern me, as monopoly is a Bad Thing, and The Mouse™ loves to meddle with US copyright law. It means that even more properties that should have entered the public domain ages ago will continue to be held closely in check for the profit of billionaires. It means less opportunity for smaller artists, directors, and producers to create, and more enjoyable-but-interchangeable-and-ultimately-forgettable blockbusters. This trend will only be more deeply fixed in placed by the CEOOTUS and his appointees.
Where's the shrug emoji when I need it? 'Cause there's nothing I can do about it. Sigh.
Sorry, this was supposed to be a light and fluffy post. But hey, since it's gone all dark anyway, why don't we let Depeche Mode play us out?