We've had one winter, yes. What about second winter?
In early February we had unseasonably warm weather. I'm certain that this is a completely normal part of Earth's climate cycle and that it has nothing to do with man's ever-increasing use of fossil fuels, nor the methane generated by our farming and food consumption, nor is there any possible solution to this thing that isn't really a problem
I'd say I was turning off my sarcasm now but I don't think I have that mode. Maybe in the next firmware update?
Anyway, winter returned in full force toward the month's end.
I'm pretty sure this snow is giving me the finger.
In full force.
Yeah. Definitely giving me the finger.
The second picture was taken literally 30 seconds after the first. That's how much snow was on my work van Thursday afternoon. And we got more snow over the weekend. We went from high temperatures in the 50s down to the 30s in a week. So many people were excited about getting their houses painted and flowers planted. Silly, silly people.
It's not just them, it's the stores too. We're already seeing BBQ grills, awnings, outdoor furniture...
Also there's this weird phenomenon where the grocery and craft stores jumped straight from V-Day to Easter. I mean, I get that St. Patrick's day doesn't emphasize the mating and breeding aspects of the other two holidays, but the expected drunken revelry has got to lead to some of that behavior. Regardless, I'm excited to see what kind of display my glitter spiders will put on.
Other than that it's been more of the same. I picked up some nice shirts to go with my vest. I haven't tried them on yet, but that will be coming shortly. Also a pair of pants that I think will go well. Plus, my parents have my maternal grandfather's pipe collection, and they're sending me a couple which I think will be smashing additions to the look. Now I just need a nice set of shoes and spats to round it all out.
On a separate note, I think Amazon Prime has been a bad influence on me. I've ordered a bunch of stuff that I've wanted for a while but haven't found for a price I'm willing to pay. New struts for my tailgate, a wine rack for my Torani syrups, and a new TV. For a while now mine has been flaking on me and it's getting worse. Sometimes when I turn it on no picture appears, so I have to turn it back off, wait 30 seconds, and turn it back on. And a couple of times I've had to do it twice (or even thrice). (That word's for you, Tatyana. :p ) The new one should have better sound and picture and only weighs around 16 lbs. Also also, the 2005 series of Doctor Who is on Prime, and it's really cutting into my Netflix time.
I'm also spending a frustrating amount of time trying to get this site to look the way I want, to no effect. So I'm taking a break for a couple of days. Hopefully it will be super easy next go around.
And finally, this is a thing:
Yep, I've created a personal logo/brand. I have no idea what I need to do to register it or whatever to legally make it mine, but there's little chance of anyone try to steal it out from under me before I sort it out.
So that's it for this update. Be good to each other, folks. Oh and also I'm making links for my finishing quotes so if you don't recognize it, you don't have to go to all the time and hassle of a Google search. Muchas smooches.